Wannabe: An Against The Odds Novel Page 6
She turns and ambles behind the bar to start setting up for tonight’s shift. Wednesdays are ten-dollar dance nights, so the club is going to be busy from the get go. The only people here this early are her, Matt, and myself. Matt is still in the office doing his paperwork. He trusts Briar to set up and have it all run completely smooth, and watching this woman work, I’m surprised by how efficient she is.
“So, I don’t want to look like a stripper, even though I’m working for tips too?” I ask, confused.
“No, you don’t want to look like a stripper, because if you did, that would mean the customers would try to harass you for dances, and we just don’t have time for that. There are plenty of girls here to shake their money makers for these guys; we aren’t those girls. We need to look like we’ll take no shit, because it’s the dancers’ job to build the fantasy that these guys might have a shot, not ours. We’re just here to loosen them up so they spend more money,” she states matter-of-factly. I work through what she said in my head and my face immediately brightens.
“So, we’re like the fluffers?” I question with a wink.
Briar just rolls her eyes and starts wiping down the bar. She tosses me some limes and shoos me away. Getting the hint, I go to cut the limes. My back is turned to the main room and I feel the hair at the base of my neck prick. I quickly whirl around with the paring knife in my hand and glance around the room, but there’s no one there. Shaking off the sensation of being watched, I quickly finish the fruit and make my way back to Briar’s side.
“All right, I’ve bartended before, a long time ago, I’m pretty sure I know the basics. Is there anything special I absolutely need to know before we start this shift?” I ask as I slide the finished lime slices over the bar to Briar. She picks the containers up and sticks them in our ice bin.
“Don’t break hearts but don’t take any shit. We make a good wage so the tips are a bonus, but never let any customer make you feel uncomfortable. You are always in control. We normally only sell bottle beers and Cosmos, so bartending here is not that hard. If you need help with anything, you can always just ask. Wednesday nights are usually my early nights, because these people run out of money fast, so Matt generally lets us go fairly early. I have another place to be,” she says nonchalantly, but my ears perk up.
“Oh? Do you have a hot date then, love muffin?” I suggest with a wiggle of my brows as I plop down on the stool across from where she’s wiping the bar top. She rolls her eyes.
“You remember I go to the club on Wednesday nights. I’m sure I told you this, months ago,” she states, not meeting my eyes. I try to keep my cool when all I want to do is question her.
“I don’t believe you ever told me anything about a club on Wednesdays. How dare you, love muffin, it’s like I don’t know you at all! What is it, a sex club?” Her gaze flies to mine and her face burns tomato red. I gasp and my jaw hits the floor. I lean across the bar and catch her eyes. “So, it is a sex club! Is it raunchy? Is there a dungeon? Oh my gosh, you have to take me along!” I needle her and she curses.
“Amber, it’s not that easy. It’s an exclusive, members only, club; I can’t just take you to it,” she whispers after shushing me. I narrow my eyes at her, and launch myself across the bar so I’m standing right beside her. Her eyes widen at my impromptu move in eight-inch heels. “How in the world did you—”
“What do you mean, members only?” I interrupt. “If it’s that exclusive, what do you do there, because you and I both know you’re not swimming naked in money.”
“I work there, so I’m technically a member,” Briar grits out, avoiding my eyes.
“What are you, like a professional submissive?”
“Sometimes, but mostly, I’m a professional Domme. I can be both so I’m known as a switch, but my services lately are of the Domme variety,” she says coolly.
My mind is racing, putting together pieces of the puzzle that is Briar Thames. The leather, the spikes, the badass attitude, and the utter confidence in the skin she is in. Just like that, a lightbulb goes off in my head.
“So, you really want to spank me then, huh?” I question with a wink, and Briar lets out an exasperated breath. She quickly turns and makes her way to the register to make sure we have enough ones for the evening, but I follow close on her heels. “Come on, Bri, I really wanna see this place. You can bring me as a sub for the night. I’ll do everything you say. Pretty please with penis lollipops on top?” I wheedle while batting my lashes, even though she can’t see me. She lets out a gusty sigh and turns her head to shoot me a “Yeah, right” look. I put up the Scout’s honor sign and stick out my bottom lip in a pout.
“Fine, but you do every single thing I say, you have to address me as Mistress, and you keep your eyes on the floor. Never meet anyone else’s eyes. It can be considered disrespectful. Okay?” she finally replies.
I bounce up and down like an excited chihuahua and she puts her face in her hands. I hear a muffled, “I’m going to regret this,” and I pat her lightly on the back with a huge smile on my face. Matt chooses that moment to come out of the office with Kenny on his heels and when he sees me, he does a double take. I blow him a kiss and he continues to walk towards the DJ booth.
“Oh great, now we have two psycho Barbies working here,” Kenny throws back at Briar and I rudely. Briar gives him a vicious smile and he blanches.
“Careful, little one, or I’ll be using your balls as my coin purse,” Briar scoffs. Kenny scowls and follows Matt quickly. I stare at Briar with heart eyes, and lean in to her.
“Can I be you when I grow up?” I whisper with wonder and she laughs while flipping me the bird.
“Go check the stock of beer on your side of the bar. Rush starts in twenty minutes. Besides, Psycho Barbie is way better than if Basic Bitch Barbie banged Eighties Neon Barbie, which was the vibe you had going on.” She shoots me a wink.
Before I can reply, loud music drowns us out and causes me to jump. I shoot Kenny a glare and he just smirks at me. I pray this night goes by fast, because I can feel my excitement growing to scope out this club of Briar’s. I need to put my game face on and power through this shift. The excitement acts as adrenaline for me, because after all, it’s like I’m going to a freaky person’s Disney World.
Chapter Nine: Amber
“There’s no way in hell you are getting my sweet, sweet ass in that,” I deadpan as Briar stands in front of me, holding a bear trap and dental floss. I stare at her with raised brows as she holds my “submissive outfit” out to me. She huffs out a choked laugh and starts tapping her foot. The shift went smoothly; she and I are a well-oiled machine behind the bar. It really was like riding a bike for me. With our shift over, Briar brought me to her car, so I could change before we head to this exclusive club. We’re deadlocked, standing in front of her open trunk, which has more whips and chains than a medieval torture dungeon. My eyes keep darting between her, the offensive dental floss, and the set of Secretary she has going on in her trunk.
“How do you drive around with this stuff? Aren’t you afraid that you’ll get stopped by an overzealous police officer, who will arrest you for having an arsenal in your trunk? Also, what’s wrong with what I’m wearing now? You’re wearing the same thing!” I ask indignantly.
“Do you wanna come to Club Exile with me or not? You have to be a collared submissive to go in there with me. They won’t let you in otherwise. You can’t wear what I’m wearing because I’m on as a Domme tonight, and we can’t both be Dommes. I don’t get stopped by overzealous policemen because I don’t attract them like you seem to. Now, are we doing this or not? Because I can’t be late. It’s my only night to play this week, and after bantering with you and putting up with Kenny, I need the release. Besides, that’s not even the whole outfit,” Briar tells me with a sly wink.
I release a gusty sigh of relief and hold out my hand for the thong and the collar. Briar quickly hands them over and I motion for the rest of the outfit. She turns back to her trunk and re
leases a little side compartment. She reaches in and quickly pulls out…fucking nipple tassels. I’m going to kill her. She tosses the two black tassels at me, and I flip her the bird.
“Come on, I’ve seen you in less at Dark Angels. It’s the same type of scenario, just a lot more sex,” Briar says with a hint of impatience.
I purse my lips and quickly decide she’s right. Glancing around the empty parking lot for any lurking customers or Kenny the creep, and seeing neither, I quickly kick my heels off, and shed my bustier and leather pants. I attach the cold nipple tassels and hear choked laughter. I turn and glare at my so-called friend, and she gives me a thumbs up. I make another vulgar gesture at her as I finish switching the thongs out and put my shoes back on. I’m fumbling the bear trap-looking collar in my hands when Briar takes it from me.
“I don’t know if this is going to work, Amber. You don’t give off the vibe of a submissive. But for tonight, I’ll collar you, and we’ll try. Let me.” Her voice floats past my ears lowly. I nod once, and she quickly secures the collar around my throat. It’s not too tight to where it’s choking me, but it’s definitely the first thing I think about. Which seems like the point.
After the collar is secure, she steps back and peruses me up and down. I meet her gaze and she gives me an indignant look, so I quickly drop my gaze with a slight grumble. I make my way to the passenger side of her vehicle and slip in with the loaned clothes in hand. I feel more exposed now, with this collar on, than I ever have shedding clothing at the club. Briar gets in quietly beside me and starts the car. My skin pebbles as a blast of air hits my exposed flesh and I suppress a shiver.
“All right, tonight is going to be an experience that you’ll never forget. I hope you’re ready, Amber,” Briar says quietly as she puts the car in gear. My face is a blank slate but inside I’m hoping what she says is true. I need a break from this life.
The building we pull up to is nice enough in a nondescript type of way. It definitely doesn’t scream underground sex club. It looks more like an abandoned Target in a back-alley type of way. I swear my nipples are going to freeze off under these tassels as we exit the car, and I keep glancing around, hoping I don’t get arrested for indecent exposure. Briar leads me by my hand to a back door, or a front door, because all these doors look the same.
Briar knocks twice, once with her fist, and once with the flat of her palm, and the change that comes over her is incredible. She stands taller, and I can see the power radiate from her aura. If I was into girls, I might have come right there on the street, with the salacious grin she shoots me as the door swings open. I quickly drop my eyes and try to look meek, which is hard to do because I’m such a badass. I hear Briar’s quiet intake of breath and I’m tempted to raise my eyes again, but through sheer willpower I don’t.
“Mistress Thorne, good to see you here again. You brought a tasty morsel this time. I didn’t realize that you played with both sides, or I would have loaned you Ember long before now. I do so hope you decide you’re in the sharing mood tonight, this one is just…delectable,” a deep voice declares to Briar, and I chance a peek at him from under my lashes. Oh, holy orgasms in church Batman, this man is the embodiment of sin. Slightly taller than Stoney, with jet-black hair slicked back, violet eyes that have to be contact lenses, and a sleek Armani suit making me want to drool. If Briar had an aura of power, this man had one of complete and total annihilation, with a side of sex. I finish my sneaky perusal as I notice Briar glaring at him.
“Nathaniel, you know I don’t share my subs, least of all with you. My sexual proclivities stopped being your business some time ago. Now, unlike you, I care about my subs’ needs and wants, and my sub is currently freezing because you won’t let us into the damn club. So, be a dear and buzz us in,” she snaps at him coldly, and my poor confused nipples tighten underneath the tassels.
He grins at her knowingly, and presses a button on the side of the inner door. The door swings open to reveal stairs leading down. With the opening of that door it brings a loud, sensual beat. The beat is like liquid ecstasy, I’ve never heard anything quite like it. Briar quickly grabs me by the hand and begins our descent. As the door swings shut behind me, I go to open my mouth to question her when she pipes up quietly, “Don’t even ask, I’ll tell you about him in my own time.” She knows me entirely too well, and I hastily clamp my mouth closed.
The stairs bottom out into a large open room. The ceiling is vaulted and the colors are indigo and black. It would be aesthetically pleasing if I didn’t know this was a sex dungeon. That and the fact there are so many half-naked people. The crowd seems to be pulsating with our arrival. For the first time, I’m second-guessing my decision to talk Briar into letting me come. Maybe, just maybe, this time I bit off more than I can chew. There is the scent of excitement and the muskiness of sex and arousal in the air that causes my heartbeat to quicken. Briar leads me through the mass of staring strangers, salivating over us like we’re pieces of meat. I’m becoming a master of staring at people from under my lashes, with my head bowed.
When someone knocks into me and quickly gropes my ass, we stop suddenly and I see Briar bare her teeth at the young guy I’m assuming was the groper. He quickly backs away with his hands up while Briar stares him down hard but she finally tugs my hand and we continue our descent into the madness. People are staring at us, conspicuously and inconspicuously, and I have a feeling Briar has never shown up here with someone quite like me before. I’ve certainly never been anywhere like this with someone quite like her before.
We finally reach the matte black bar top in the center of the room, where Briar takes a seat on the barstool in front of the well, and before I can plop my happy ass down beside her, she hisses at me quietly, “Between my legs, slave, eyes downward.”
I scramble to do her bidding, not knowing precisely why she switched into hard Domme mode. She starts tracing circles and swirls down my arms and up my neck. She pulls me in close and nibbles on my ear, and while I’m not remotely attracted to females, goose bumps raise on my arms from her action. She whispers, “We’ve apparently attracted the attention of not only the club patrons but the club owners as well. We’re being watched, it’s not often that anyone new is brought in. The process to become a member is very rigid and lengthy. They aren’t always fans of surprises. Nikolai Borakov is one of the owners, and he’s the resident Master Dominant, and now he’s on his way over. Please do everything I tell you, or we’re both going to be thrown out, and I need this place. Please, Amber, for once, be good.” I suppress a giggle as I give a tiny imperceptible nod.
Briar signals the bartender and ordered us a round of waters. I feel a presence behind me and Briar stiffens ever so slightly. “Mistress Thorne, why don’t you indulge and imbibe tonight, as you normally do. Besides, it might loosen up your skittish submissive.” A deep voice like liquid velvet slides over me and I fight the urge to look at its owner. Instead, I stare at my stripper heels that are starting to pinch my feet.
“Thank you, Master Borakov, but I haven’t decided if I want to play tonight, so I will not imbibe, in case we do. I’m intoxicated enough on her, and I need to keep my wits about me. My sub comes first, always. You know this, or was that a test?” Briar snaps. I feel my eyebrows shoot up before I can school my expression and I’m thankful I’m faced away from this Master Borakov.
“She certainly is intoxicating. I didn’t peg you for indulging in the pleasures of both sexes though. Interesting,” Borakov retorts softly. Briar’s hand halts its tracings and she firmly tugs me away from her so she can stand. With her leather, spikes, and beauty, she looks like an avenging angel. Briar takes two steps towards him, with me in tow, until she is toe to toe and her voice grows deadly quiet.
“I didn’t need to share my preference of sexes to become a member here, if you recall. So, the fact that you and Nathaniel care now is what is interesting. I don’t have to explain myself; I don’t care if you are the God they worship here or no
As soon as she finishes speaking, the room quiets, as if waiting on the Master’s answer with bated breath, and after several beats of silence, he laughs softly. Everyone, including myself, releases the collective breath we’d been holding and I get my first good look at Master Borakov. Wavy chestnut hair that has been shaved and faded on the sides, and heavily lashed green eyes, with chiseled, severe features. Taller than most men, he looks like a regal jungle cat, in his black suit with a white shirt open at the chest. His voice has a slight hint of a Russian accent. I catalogue everything I can about him, because while he’s attractive, something about him is also frightening.
“You’re lucky I like you, beauty, or I’d have your tongue for talking to me the way you do.” He winks at Briar. “Now, please let your sub explore so we may talk for a moment. These things I need to tell you are not for sensitive ears, and after all, I don’t know her.” Borakov’s low voice reaches my ears and my eyes shoot up to his. “Ah, there are those pretty eyes. Not quite fully trained, is she, beauty?” Borakov says huskily with a hint of chastisement aimed at Briar. She looks at me with slight chagrin.
“Amber, I want you to explore and find us good male prospects. You may pick one male submissive like yourself and one male Dominant, like myself. I will decide if either of them has the good fortune to play with you tonight. Be back in exactly ten minutes, or I won’t let you come later. I haven’t edged you in a while. Now run along, Master Borakov and I need to have a conversation.” Then she directs her attention to Borakov. “But this only happens if she is safe and unaccosted, you need to promise me.”
He jerks his chin slightly in agreement, and Briar tells me with her eyes to go, so I do what my “Mistress” says, and I explore.
I walk straight for the first doorway I see, and the sign above reads the “Ecstasy Room.” Below it, in fine print, it says “Participation not required but encouraged.” The moment I step through the black lace curtains, I realize I’ve stepped into the active sex room. Couches and chairs litter the room, with people in various stages of sex. I’m openly gaping at them when I hear a smooth melody. The air seems to static when I see couples on the dance floor to my right also in the throes of passion. They look like a writhing mass of bodies. My feet, which had been frozen in place, start to move, and I just barely stop myself from getting closer to absorb as much of the sexual energy of this room as possible. Before I get sucked in further, I move quickly to the next open doorway. The sign above the blue lace curtains says “The Wet Room,” and I’m thinking maybe these people will be having sex in water, but my poor eyes weren’t prepared for the sight of multiple humans urinating on one another.